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—2016–17 Student State Officer
Now’s your chance to be a leader with your student association.
That’s right—whether you’re an undergrad or a grad student, whether you’re studying audiology or speech-language pathology, we want you to apply to serve as a National NSSLHA Student State Officer.* Student State Officers work to bring chapters in their states together while serving as the connection between National NSSLHA and its members. These 1-year appointments give you unparalleled leadership opportunities. Here are the deets: WHAT is it? Student State Officers liaise with local NSSLHA chapters and state associations while growing grassroots efforts in their states.Apply today to be a NSSLHA Student State Officer, and you’ll be able to share your vision, grow your circle of influence, and make a difference for students in your state and across the country! | ||
*Open positions include one audiology-focused student and one speech-language pathology–focused student (either undergraduate or graduate) in each state where a program exists. Students must be attending school in the state that they are representing.
National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) 2200 Research Blvd. Rockville, MD 20850 www.nsslha.org | © Copyright 2017 |
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Be the next 2017-2018 Student State Officer for NSSLHA!
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Audiology Poster Symposium 2017
Thursday, February 16, 2017
USHA Conference & Trivia Bowl 2017

Attention university advisors, supervisors, & student leaders of associated communication disorders programs and NSSLHA & SAA chapters in Utah,
The Utah Speech Language & Hearing Association (USHA) Board would like to extend this invitation to students enrolled in undergraduate CSD and graduate SLP, AuD, & PhD programs to attend this year's annual:
2017 USHA Conference Trivia Bowl
Thursday, March 2, 2017
4:45pm to 6:00pm
@ the Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek - Conference Room TBD
75 S W Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Students are also strongly encouraged to attend the annual USHA conference which hosts the trivia bowl http://www.ushaonline.net/page-1539529. Early registration ends online this Sunday, February 19 - and USHA student members receive a discount ($10 annual membership) http://www.ushaonline.net/event-2422815. If your students cannot attend the conference however, registration is NOT required for participation in the Trivia Bowl Thursday evening.
Students and alumni from the 3 prominent communication disorder program schools (BYU, UofU, & USU) are invited to come together to compete using their knowledge of information and skills items typically addressed on the SLP & AuD Praxis exams required for ASHA certification. Last year we had a great turn out from all 3 schools, and the UofU barely beat out BYU as the 2016 champions. Its time for the Aggies or Cougars to step it up in the Ute's hometown.
Please invite your students to come for some fun communication science disorders review while also taking part in an opportunity to network with students and alumni from other programs in an interactive way. If you could forward this information to make your students aware, the USHA Board would greatly appreciate it.
We welcome and invite as many students from each school to attend as possible to show their collective knowledge and expertise! If we get an overabundance of participants, we will divide and conquer into more teams as necessary.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at nsslhaaudut@gmail.com or meibostrumpet@gmail.com
Trophies will be awarded, bragging rights appointed, and snacks & sweets usually abound!
Thank you very much for your time and consideration to support our state association, and may the most prepared students win!
NSSLHA West Region Student State Officers (SSO) - UTAH
SLP SSO: Teigan Beck, Utah State University, nsslhaslput@gmail.com
AuD SSO: Alex Meibos, Utah State University, nsslhaaudut@gmail.com
AuD SSO: Alex Meibos, Utah State University, nsslhaaudut@
Saturday, February 11, 2017
February News 2017
It's been a cool and snow-melting February for us up here in Logan. Hope you're well into doing well in your classes and placements this spring/winter semester!
Here's the latest news from our recent region meeting:
Registration Open for USHA Conference - March 2-3, 2017 in SLC, UT
Early Registration ends February 19, so visit http://www.ushaonline.net/event-2422815 today, scroll to the bottom and register.
If you're not already a student member, $10 will get your discount registration as well, http://www.ushaonline.net/page-330867, so what are you waiting for?
Celebrate you, your chapter, and your chapter advisors. Applications are due May 1.
World Hearing Day, Friday, March 3, 2017
The World Health Organization promotes better hearing (http://www.who.int/pbd/deafness/world-hearing-day/en/). This year's for the World Hearing Day 2017 is ‘Action for hearing loss: make a sound investment’.
(also DAY 2 of the USHA conference)
Spread news from your chapters to your communities about the economic impact of hearing loss and cost effectiveness of interventions to help promote better hearing health and better communication.
This year's Virtual Advocacy Day Announced! - March 24th, 2017
Students come together to petition Congress in behalf of our professions through ASHA's Take Action Website
Participation among chapters will count toward NSSLHA Honors
http://www.asha.org/NSSLHA/events/Virtual-Advocacy-Day/ (old date is currently posted, but will be updated soon)
New NSSLHA Leadership Positions to Apply for 2017-18 open in march, due April 21, 2017
Keep your eye on http://www.asha.org/nsslha/governance/ for more details in the coming month
Better Speech & Hearing Month - "May" 2017
Every year, ASHA designates the month of May to promote better speech & hearing. What are you and your chapter planning to do? Graduation usually is the biggest event culminating that month, so, maybe sharing pictures of your graduating classes and promoting why you chose to pursue the degree and what you are going to do as future professionals could be a goal for your chapter.
Best Wishes,
NSSLHA West Region Student State Officers (SSO) - UTAH
SLP SSO: Teigan Beck, Utah State University, nsslhaslput@gmail.com
AuD SSO: Alex Meibos, Utah State University, nsslhaaudut@gmail.com
AuD SSO: Alex Meibos, Utah State University, nsslhaaudut@
Saturday, January 21, 2017
January news 2017
Greetings Utah Chapters & Happy New Year 2017!
Hopefully you're all enjoying the spring semester so far.
Some updates to pass along
Hopefully you're all enjoying the spring semester so far.
Some updates to pass along
- ASHA Convention 2017 - Nov 9-11 - Los Angeles Convention Center, California
- Volunteer opportunity for students: work 10-12 hours, get reimbursed for registration ($215) http://www.asha.org/events/convention/volunteer-at-the-convention/
- A whole day dedicated to NSSLHA students including tips to prepare for the Praxis exam, rapid round tables, an awards luncheon, and the infamous knowledge bowl
- Attend and get to learn about the most recent research and knowledge being presented by your colleagues, mentors, and friends!
- Reminder: NSSLHA Loves Campaign: CommunicAID Nation is the 2016-2017 recipient. THe mission of their program is to provide SLP resources for individuals with communication disorders who otherwise may not be eligible to receive them. The goal of every chapter is to raise $500... For local chapters that donate $250 or more receive credit toward Chapter Honors
- Some quick fundraising ideas
- Bowl-a-thon or walk-a-thons
- Movie Nights on your campus
- Silent Auctions
- Conference or Symposium fees on events you can host
- Registration opening up soon for the USHA 2017 conference, March 2-3, 2017 in SLC, UT. Stay tuned.
Best Wishes,
NSSLHA West Region Student State Officers (SSO) - UTAH
SLP SSO: Teigan Beck, Utah State University, nsslhaslput@gmail.com
AuD SSO: Alex Meibos, Utah State University, nsslhaaudut@gmail.com
AuD SSO: Alex Meibos, Utah State University, nsslhaaudut@
Saturday, December 17, 2016
November/December News 2016
Greetings NSSLHA Utah Chapters & Happy Holidays!
Here are some the latest requests, news, and updates from the holiday months
Here are some the latest requests, news, and updates from the holiday months
- Updates needed: if you are a current NSSLHA president or advisor, please send us (nsslhaudut@gmail.com or nsslhaslput@gmail.com) the most up to date contact information so that when we pass along information, we can get it to your chapter quickly. Send us your updates and we'll pass it along to the region councilor
- The NSSLHA Loves Campaign for 2016-2017- CommunicAID Nation is this year's NSSLHA Love's recipient. Donations from your chapters can earn you honors, so, send a contribution today and chapters that fund raise enough money can earn their chapter recognition while supporting an important cause. http://www.asha.org/NSSLHA/chapters/NSSLHA-Loves/
- If you know of anyone in the following states: Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, or Washington, and they are studying in an university CSD or COMD program and would like to get involved with NSSLHA leadership to become an SSO, pass along the following info as we are still looking for more volunteer leaders to represent their state chapters as student state officers (http://www.asha.org/NSSLHA/
governance/Student-State- )Officer-Position-Descriptions/
Interested in more?
- Encourage and or join NSSLHA ($60/year). Increase membership in your chapter http://www.asha.org/Members/NSSLHA/Member-Benefits.htm
- Encourage and or join USHA as a student member ($10/year). and watch out for update on the upcoming 2017 conference that will be held in Salt Lake City, UT www.ushaonline.net
- Keep an eye on scholarships and grants from the ASHFoundation: https://www.ashfoundation.org/
- Advocacy: http://www.asha.org/Advocacy/grassroots/
Best Wishes,
NSSLHA West Region Student State Officers (SSO) - UTAH
SLP SSO: Teigan Beck, Utah State University, nsslhaslput@gmail.com
AuD SSO: Alex Meibos, Utah State University, nsslhaaudut@gmail.com
AuD SSO: Alex Meibos, Utah State University, nsslhaaudut@
Monday, October 31, 2016
NSSLHA SSO Positions - Utah
Dear Utah NSSLHA Chapter Students and Advisors,
On behalf of the NSSLHA West Regional Councilor, Crystal Garcia (nsslhawest@gmail.com), we have been asked to provide you all with news and updates about recent changes to NSSLHA governance this year (http://www.asha.org/NSSLHA/governance/) and to encourage students in your programs to engage more within and with other NSSLHA chapters and leaders at the state, regional, and national levels.
There were currently 8 newly appointed Student State Officers working within the NSSLHA West Region in the 13 states included in the region (http://www.asha.org/NSSLHA/governance/NSSLHA-Regional-Councilors/). Utah had the unique opportunity of having 2 Student State Officers (SSO) selected to represent both SLP and AuD students in this first year of these new positions. For more information regarding these positions, and how you could apply for the 2017-2018 school year, please see: http://www.asha.org/NSSLHA/governance/Student-State-Officer-Position-Descriptions/
We will be using this blog (add it to your bookmarks or subscribe below: nsslhanews-utah.blogspot.com) to forward information to all of you more efficiently and look forward to how these positions can better foster communication and collaboration between our state chapters here in Utah, as well as with the student association that works very hard to support you in your future career endeavors (Utah Speech-Language Hearing Association-USHA).
Thank you for your time and attention. We look forward to getting to know and work with you.
Please feel to contact us with questions or concerns as work to facilitate communication and provide you with the most up to date information and news from the NSSLHA leaders.
Best Wishes,
NSSLHA West Region Student State Officers (SSO) - UTAH
On behalf of the NSSLHA West Regional Councilor, Crystal Garcia (nsslhawest@gmail.com), we have been asked to provide you all with news and updates about recent changes to NSSLHA governance this year (http://www.asha.org/NSSLHA/governance/) and to encourage students in your programs to engage more within and with other NSSLHA chapters and leaders at the state, regional, and national levels.
There were currently 8 newly appointed Student State Officers working within the NSSLHA West Region in the 13 states included in the region (http://www.asha.org/NSSLHA/governance/NSSLHA-Regional-Councilors/). Utah had the unique opportunity of having 2 Student State Officers (SSO) selected to represent both SLP and AuD students in this first year of these new positions. For more information regarding these positions, and how you could apply for the 2017-2018 school year, please see: http://www.asha.org/NSSLHA/governance/Student-State-Officer-Position-Descriptions/
We will be using this blog (add it to your bookmarks or subscribe below: nsslhanews-utah.blogspot.com) to forward information to all of you more efficiently and look forward to how these positions can better foster communication and collaboration between our state chapters here in Utah, as well as with the student association that works very hard to support you in your future career endeavors (Utah Speech-Language Hearing Association-USHA).
Thank you for your time and attention. We look forward to getting to know and work with you.
Please feel to contact us with questions or concerns as work to facilitate communication and provide you with the most up to date information and news from the NSSLHA leaders.
Best Wishes,
NSSLHA West Region Student State Officers (SSO) - UTAH
SLP SSO: Teigan Beck, Utah State University, nsslhaslput@gmail.com
AuD SSO: Alex Meibos, Utah State University, nsslhaaudut@gmail.com
AuD SSO: Alex Meibos, Utah State University, nsslhaaudut@
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